Residential roofing protects homeowners from extreme temperatures, sun rays, rain, snow, and wind. The type of roof you select depends on your priorities, climate, architectural style, and budget.


Asphalt shingles are the most popular option for many home builders, as they are affordable and easily installed. They can last decades with minimal maintenance. For more information, visit

Asphalt roof shingles are flexible, allowing them to fit various roof shapes and sizes. They are nailed to the roof and also nailed to each other, ensuring that they do not come loose or fly away during a wind storm. Additionally, a waterproof sealant is applied to the bottom of each shingle to prevent water from seeping into the home.

There are four different types of asphalt shingles: three-tab shingles, architectural shingles, upgraded architectural shingles, and designer shingles. Each performs a different function and offers a unique look for the homeowner.

The base layer of an asphalt shingle is made from either organic or fiberglass materials. The organic shingle base is usually a waste paper, cellulose, or wood fiber. The shingle is then saturated with asphalt to make it waterproof and covered with solid granules that offer color and durability. Fiberglass shingles gradually began to replace organic shingles in the 1980s.

The granules of an asphalt shingle are the most significant factor that determines its durability. They provide protection from the UV rays of the sun, and they are what gives a roof its distinctive color. Depending on the granules used, the shingles can have different reflectance qualities that can help homeowners reduce their energy bills.

Many manufacturers are now using technology to create asphalt shingles that are more energy-efficient than traditional varieties. They can be produced with solar-reflective granules, which help to prevent the sun’s heat from heating up the roof. This helps to reduce the amount of energy that is needed to cool the building, which can save a homeowner money on their electricity bills.

In addition to the practical benefits of asphalt shingles, they are attractive and can enhance the curb appeal of a house. They are available in a number of colors and styles that can suit almost any home’s architecture. Lastly, asphalt shingles are great at insulating the house and can block out noise from the street or other neighbors.


Homeowners can choose from a variety of metal roofing materials. The most common are aluminum and steel. A metal roof is a great option for homeowners in climates with high wind speeds because it can withstand much more severe weather than asphalt shingles. It’s also one of the most fire-safe roofing options and is resistant to rot, mildew, insects, and rodents. Many homeowners enjoy the style of a metal roof as well. They are available in a number of different panel profiles and hundreds of colors and can mimic the look of slate, wood shake, and traditional shingle styles.

The manufacturing process for a metal roof begins with a large coil of metal. It is then placed on a machine that will roll it into the desired panel shape. The result is a strong, long-lasting, and stylish roofing material.

Most metal roofs are coated with a reflective finish to reduce energy costs. This is because the reflective surface reflects solar radiant heat instead of absorbing it like a regular roof does. In fact, industry studies show that a metal roof can cut cooling costs by up to 25%.

Some homeowners worry about the weight of a metal roof. However, the modern metal shingles that EDCO uses are designed to be lightweight and a lot more manageable than the older metal panels used in some homes. In addition, most of the roofs we install have hidden clips to help prevent an unsightly appearance.

The main drawback of a metal roof is its cost. It is generally more expensive than an asphalt shingle roof, and there are some maintenance requirements that can increase the cost of a metal roof as time goes on. For example, a regular inspection of the flashings is recommended to make sure that they are watertight. Also, if a homeowner lives in an area where hail is frequent, the dents caused by the large hail can require repair work to the metal roof.

Another issue is that some homeowners’ associations (HOA) do not allow metal roofing on their properties. This is mainly to keep the entire community looking uniform.


Tile is a type of flat material used for covering floors, walls and roofs. It can be made from many materials, including clay (glazed for interior use and unglazed for roofing), marble, granite, glass, concrete and other composites. It may be colored or left natural. Tile is used for decoration as well as for practical purposes, such as preventing water damage to wood surfaces and as flooring in wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens. It is also a key component of mosaic art.

Unlike asphalt shingles, which come in only a few basic styles and colors, tile offers homeowners much more flexibility. It is possible to find clay, concrete and metal tiles in a wide array of patterns, colors and shapes. For example, some tiles resemble traditional slate shingles or have the look of natural wooden shakes, giving homeowners the option to create a more unique and stylish roof.

In addition to their color options, most tile roofs are fireproof and durable. They can withstand strong winds and heavy snow, but like any other roof, they need regular maintenance and inspections.

While a tile roof can be more expensive than an asphalt shingle roof, it is far more durable and lasts longer. It is not uncommon for a tile roof to last for hundreds of years, making it the most cost-effective long-term roofing solution.

Another benefit of a tile roof is its ability to reflect sunlight rather than absorb it. This helps keep homes cooler in the summer and reduces energy costs. Depending on the climate, it can also help prevent ice dams and other snow-related roofing issues.

Tile is also a popular choice for green building and has been used in the construction of solar power plants. It can be used to generate renewable energy by absorbing the sun’s light and then turning it into electricity through photovoltaic cells. The system is often integrated into the roof to create a seamless and visually appealing design.

Wood Shake

Wood shakes have a rustic aesthetic that pairs well with bungalow, cottage, Craftsman and Tudor-style homes. They also work well for houses with other natural materials, such as stone or brick, on their exterior, as they can complement the colors and textures of those buildings. Shake roofing is relatively easy to install, but requires a skilled roofing contractor to get the job done right. The fact that wood shingles don’t lay as neatly beside each other as shingle roofing can lead to gaps where water or debris could infiltrate. It is important to have a quality contractor add an interlayment between each course of shakes, as well as cover all of the gaps in the roof.

Shake roofing can be made of either cedar or redwood. Cedar is a common choice, as it’s naturally rot-resistant and insect-proof. It can be pressure treated with fire retardants and chemical preservatives for increased rot resistance in some climates.

The shakes can be cut in various ways, including straight-sawn or tapersawn. Both are available in various widths and lengths, as well as thicknesses. The straight-sawn shakes have a more uniform look, but aren’t as sturdy as the tapersawn shakes. The thickness of the wood shakes is a huge factor in their longevity. Thicker shakes last longer, but are more expensive than thinner options.

Another consideration is the style of the shakes and shingles themselves. Most modern wood shake products are fire-retardant treated, which does increase their longevity. However, wood is a flammable material by nature and still poses more of a fire threat than other roofing types. They also tend to retain moisture, which can promote mildew and mold growth and cause rot.

A shaky roof should be inspected regularly to identify and repair potential problems. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your roof by preventing leaks and by reducing energy costs. It is also important to have an airflow system in place to keep your home cool and comfortable, especially during the summer.